The Youth Exchange about the topic of disabilities had ended after eight eventful days
And now, that we have reached our goals the tears have fallen and goodbyes were said. Our mobility, the Youth Exchange about the topic of disabilities had ended after eight eventful days.
The first few were spent getting to know each other and learning about the basics of approach methods and the correct attitude when working with the disabled. This was especially important, since we received a one-of-a-kind opportunity, provided by Filipova-Soó Zsuzsa, a member of the Három Galamb Association, who regularly work with disabled, providing workshops, activities that develop their skills to visit them for a day and put the knowledge acquired in use. This day was for sure an unforgettable experience for the participants since theory and practice should always go hand in hand and their empathy have for sure deepened while working together with our target group.
It was truly an experience we will never ever forget. We discovered parts of ourselves that were hidden way beneath the surface, we faced our fears and concoured them, thus developed and became better. From the part of our association it was wonderful working with such young yet wise souls, who are willing to learn and want to contribute to the bettering of the world. In the future, when we continue to work on this topic we will definitely incorporate the things we have learned through this exchange and try to expand our influence even further.
Special thanks to Erasmus+ and the experts who kindly agreed to work with us.