
Some news from Karoline

I have always liked to work with children. Here in Cristuru Secuiesc I have 2 kindergarten where I go to give english lessons or where I just play with children. Eventhought the children are very small their language skill is much better than mine. Even when we don’t speak the same language I have discovered that the body language solves mostly the problem.
Since now I have worked in the kindergarten almost 1 month. One of my best memories I have from that time is when I had just started my kindergarten work here in Cristuru Secuiesc and after my workday when I was in a local grocery store a child from one of my kindergartens group came close to say hello. It was a very heart warming moment for me.All the children here have a really good singing voice. Singing songs is definitely one things I really like to do and I would be very happy to be able to teach to the children maybe few beautiful songs in english aswell.

