EU-WISE – New long-term project approved!
We are glad to announce that the European Commission has approved our Erasmus+ project called “EU-WISE: Young Citizen Consumers” which was submitted by us within the call EACEA/34/2019, social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training. The project started in the beginning of December, this year and will last 2 years until the end of 2022. The project is coordinated by us and the partners are Equo Garantito from Italy, Fair Trade Advocacy Office, which is based in Belgium, Polish Fair-Trade Association from Poland and Project School, also from Italy.
The idea of the project is to build civic awareness and involve young people in promoting responsible consumption and the Sustainable Development Goals. Groups of young people from the above mentioned four European Union countries will take part in the project.
The aim of the project is to increase the acquisition of social and civic competences, understanding of values and fundamental rights by young people. During the implementation, youth will take part in debates, activities, and promotion of new consumption patterns. As initiators of changes, they will also be involved in activities aimed at local communities in the role of organizers.
EU WISE will collect and disseminate good practices supporting the role of young people as active partners in the change and implementation of SDG4, which supports quality education and SDG12, which ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.The project brings many benefits not only in the area of local communities, but also on a European scale:
– Developing a common methodology for training young people in international cooperation in the promotion of responsible consumption and fair trade;
– Creating and disseminating a catalogue of good practices promoting responsible consumption and Fair Trade at the level of schools and local communities;
– At local level, 120 young people from 4 countries (indirectly 10,000) will be involved in youth training and pilot projects organised by those youth we will train;
– Internationally, 200 civil society organizations, businesses and local authorities from, Belgium, Italy, Poland and Romania will receive a toolkit showing how they can involve young people in sustainable consumption and production;
– In the EU context, at least 100 EU decision-makers will receive the project’s toolkit, including policy recommendations from partners experienced in advocacy.
Follow our website and social media accounts to get fresh updates regarding how the project progresses.This project is financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+. This article reflects the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.