Youth Exchange on Addictions
Not more than a month ago we reported the first project of our seven years strategy, do you remember? It was the Seminar on Addictions. And here we are now a month later and we are writing about the 3rd project of this strategy. That is the Youth Exchange on Addictions.
So, imagine our office in the middle of the our little town with 43 people from all around the world, and literary from almost all the continent.
The program was organized between the 9th and the 17th of June 2022 in Cristuru Secuiesc, and the topic was addictions mostly on alcohol, cigarette, media and relationships.
We invited partners from Portugal, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Turkey, but as we mentioned before we had young people from Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Morocco, Pakistan and Egypt as well.
The eight-day youth exchange was a challenge for us, because we almost never had a such a big team, but we must declare that we had the most amazing 45 people in this mobility.
On the first days we were trying to concentrate on each other, the project itself and Erasmus+, therefore we organized the morning session filled with games and introductions. And of course, we continued the day with a discovery of our beautiful town. Of course, we finished the day with an intercultural snack party.
On the second day we spend the days about the topic. How? Well, we asked each country to introduce their situation on addictions in their own territory, they made presentations and, in the afternoon, using the nice weather we headed to the park and organized a world coffee there.
On the third day in the morning, we gave some space for 6 different groups and asked them to organize a non-formal program for each other, about how to spot different kind of addictions, such as addiction, media, cigarette, and alcohol. After the morning session we had our guests from an institution, where they work with addicted people.
On Sunday, which was already our 4th day, we decided to go to Paraid and take a walk in the Salt Canon, which was very special, because in the end of the tour we had an interactive presentation with a psychologist about how to help not go get addicted.
On the next three days we had a great opportunity to know more about Digital Storytelling.
What is Digital Storytelling?
Digital Storytelling uses multimedia tools to bring narratives to life. Digital Stories can be used to explain a concept, to reflect on a personal experience, to retell a historical event, or to make an argument. Digital stories are typically videos that combine audio, images, and video clips to tell a story.
Why did we decided to choose this method? Because we wanted to share our stories, we want to let the word know about how deep addictions can push us, and we did it! The participants made 9 amazing DG videos about real people’s real stories!
On the last days after evaluation everything we gave some space for the Youth Pass, in the late afternoon, we watched the videos, all of us became so emotional and proud at the same time.
We are so overwhelmed with the productions made our participants, we have to tell, that they made an amazing outputs with professional hands.